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St. Pauls
+91-7665961081 (Whatsapp)
Sec. School Affiliated to CBSE
Affiliation No. 1730874 | School Code: 11218
Quick Links : CBSE Website | CBSE Results | NCERT e books
Mandatory Public Disclosure

Our Vision

"Education is the birthright of every child. A child is gift of God born with immense potentialities.

  • We believe in providing a broad and balanced curriculum suited to the interests and needs of all our students.
  • We aim to provide equality of opportunities to excel, in all spheres to every student.
  • We strive to nurture every child focusing on spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical strengths, which are the four main pillars of education.

Our Mission

  • Our mission is to provide a strong foundation for the child, in and through education, to become a leader in the shifting and changing global scenario.
  • St. Paul School is a Christian Minority Educational Institution, committed to provide high quality education in an atmosphere of mutual respect where each individual is valued as an important member of our school family.
  • We value the personal, moral, social and spiritual development of each student, encouraging respect for God, self and others including the core values of truth, kindness, integrity and compassion, keeping up our motto “I Shall Rise & Shine”.

St. Paul's Sr. Sec. School, Jhalamand
Jaipur - Jaisalmer Bypass, Jhalamand,
Jodhpur - 342 013 (Raj.)

Administrator Desk:

"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny."- C.S Lewis

Total Visitors : 291650

Mon - Sat (School): 07:15 am - 01:30 pm
Principal Office Timings(Mon - Fri): 09:00 am - 10:00 am
Office Timings: 08:00am - 03:00 pm
Sun: Closed

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